Over 90% of our students achieve
Top 10% grades in Spanish exams
A/A* for IGCSE, A-level; 6-7 for IB Spanish
5/5 star rating based on clients review!
Terms and conditions
1. Private tuitions
1.1. Private tuition are paid monthly, at the end of every month based on the lessons taken.
1.2. Lessons booked and not attended will be fully charged unless:
- Doctors note is provided
- Typhoon signal number 8 or black rainstorm is hoisted.
- 24 hour notice is given.
2. Group tuitions for kids, teenagers and adults
2.1. The lessons for kids (3-12 years old) and teens (13 to 17 years old) are settled at the end of every month and the student is allowed to miss 1 class per month in which case the class can be re-scheduled, provided that a 24 hour notice is given for the cancelation. For cancelations less than 24 hours in advance doctors note must be provided.
3. Group tuitions for adults on promotion
3.1. Group courses are settled in full on or before the starting date of the course.
3.2. It is the responsibility of the student to attend the class on time, lessons not attended or in which the student arrives late will not be refunded. If the teacher arrives late for any reason additional time will be given to compensate the missed time.
3.3. Lesson fees are non refundable unless the course is canceled by Spanish Tutors Hong Kong Limited due to reasons of major force.
4. Payment of fees
4.1. Fees can be settled by cash, bank transfer to our hsbc 817-777360-838 or by cheque under "Spanish Tutors Hong Kong Limited".