5 simple tips to score high in IGCSE Spanish writing exam (CIE) with the new mark scheme 2015

CIE has decided to change its mark scheme this year. But how does this affect you?
First now there is no more directed writing in the reading paper, it has been moved to the writing. Now the Spanish writing paper is now separated into 3 parts. you MUST attempt do all parts:
Section 1 which consists on knowing some basic vocabulary identified by photos.
Section 2 is the directed writing (only 1 option).
Section 3 is the creative writing (3 options choose 1).
Tip N1: Always follow the tense required in the sub-category of the question.
One of the key points in writing is to know well your tenses. This doesn't mean you need to know most of the irregular actions in every tense. Just make sure that you remember to use regular actions ( most actions in Spanish are actually regular) and know how to conjugate them well.
For example exam question of 2009:
Tu amigo/a español(a) te va a hacer una visita pronto. Escribes a tu amigo/a para darle información sobre tu familia y el lugar donde vives.
Debes incluir:
detalles sobre tu familia ( PRESENT TENSE)
lo que piensas del lugar donde vives (PRESENT TENSE)
los preparativos que has hecho para la visita de tu amigo/a (PRESENT PERFECT)
lo que haces en un fin de semana normal (PRESENT)
los planes que tienes para la visita. (FUTURE)
Tip N3: Prepare a list of actions that would fit in most of the writings.
One key marking criteria is use of actions. Make a long list of adjectives on daily routine and hobbies and make sure to include most of them in your writing. Remember you will need 18 verbs well conjugated in your exam to get full marks!
Tip N4: Have a long list of adjectives available ready to use.
Adjectives make a text look more elaborate and many adjectives in Spanish are very close to English! So do not forget to include adjectives like normal, fantástico, perfecto, excelente, fenomenal etc.
Tip N5: Remember to include connectors and quantifiers.
Adjectives will help your text look more elaborate but don't forget to include expressions of quantity (un poco, bastante, tan, realmente, extremadamente) Ej: Mi casa es realmente grande y tan bonita.
Use linking words or connectors (Luego, después, más tarde, sin embargo, aunque, por eso etc).
You can include some comparatives and superlatives: Ej: Mi casa es más grande y bonita.