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Here you can find the most important vocabulary that you will need to know for your IGCSE exam. These are imporatant actions, nouns and adjectives that will help you to have more ideas and vocabulary on your writing exam and also to have a better reading comprehension for the reading exam. Click on the following links to see the relevant quizlet vocabulary sets.
Mi tiempo libre
Key vocabulary on the free time, especially useful for writing and reading
Mi ciudad y mi barrio
Key vocabulary on the city and the neighbourhood
La vida sana y el medio ambiente
Relevant vocabulary onHealthy life-style and environment
Mi instituto y mi casa
Spanish IGCSE and AB Initio Basic vocabulary about the school and house.
Las tareas domésticas
Vocabulary on house shores
Rutina diaria y ropa
Daily routine actions and clothing
La comida
Key vocabulary on food
El trabajo
Key vocabulary for talking about work